Move To Heaven is an upcoming South Korean television series produced by Netflix based on a non-fiction essay entitled “Things Left Behind” by Kim Sae-byul. Starring Lee Je-hoon, Tang Jun-sang, Ji Jin-hee, Lee Jae-wook, and Hong Seung-hee. Written by Yoon Ji-ryeon, best known for writing the mega-hit series "Boys Over Flowers” and directed by Kim Sung-ho of drama hits “How To Steal A Dog” and “Notebook from My Mother.” It tells the story of Geu-Ru, a young man with Asperger syndrome, working for his father’s trauma cleaning business, Move to Heaven. Trauma cleaning is about arranging the items of the deceased that have been left behind after their deaths. Soon, Geu-Ru’s own father dies, which brings his estranged uncle Sang Goo into his life. Sang Goo becomes the guardian of Geu-Ru, and the pair take on the task of running Move to Heaven together.
Photos courtesy of Netflix
Move to Heaven, the inspiring story that will warm viewers’ hearts this spring, premiers on May 14th, only on Netflix.
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