Love blooms even in the most unlikely places—including in ourselves. For this month’s #PARCINQBeauty editorial, we say: In between all the situationships in the grey area, the breadcrumbing in the dating scene, and the new couples' soft launching on IG, the most beautiful (and often arduous) kind of love we’re journeying through is self-love. A reminder to love yourself, even through the flaws and mistakes, and with no reservations.

Write my name in the sand.

Talk to myself for hours.

Say things you don't understand.

I can take myself dancing.

And I can hold my own hand.

I can love me better than you can.
Concept and Photography by Raymond Cauilan
Featuring Models Dein Ong (Asterisk Entertainment / Viva Artists), Mark Ian Garcia, and Kenn Dayandayan
Hair and Makeup by Lionel Fabros
Art Direction by Gabriel Borres
Cover Art by Ricardow