Since the early 80s to 90s, eye makeup has been used to reinforce a character in every genre of music and dance. Getting the eyes glammed up is not just a female thing anymore, as even our best boys are now following suit. In this #PARCINQBeauty editorial, Eye Am Fluid, our beauty and grooming consultant, Mycke Arcano teamed up with photographer Raymond Cauilan to help redefine how makeup, specifically eyeshadows, can make our boys flaunt a swag like no other!
Red for Filth!
On A Fierce Note, Red Eyeshadow and Eyeliners can take that bad boy look to a whole new level! Eyeshadow Palette from @vicegandacosmetics, Lip Gloss from @issyandcompany
Holy Smoke!
Smokey Eyes would always be a flare for drama for men too! By using the smokey eye palette from @kikomilanoph
Sleeked Down
Get the look! This Mid Part, Sleek Hair Number is easy to achieve by using the Styling Gels from @hairworksph
Piece by Piece
Hair Textures can be an insta fashion look and can be achieved by using the Texture Spray from @beaverphilippines
Go Hardcore Edgy with this hairstyle and flip them ends, using Got2B Hairspray by @schwarzkopfph
Photography and Styling by Raymond Cauilan
Beauty Direction, Makeup, and Hairstyling by Mycke Arcano
Assisted by Jam Jacobe
Special thanks to Miki Miclat and Mau De Leon
Featuring Model Redd of Empire/Mercator