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Maxie is our Manifesting Pinoy Drag Queen Pop Star

When 13-year-old Jayvhot Galang first stepped onto the stage of the noontime show 'Wowowin,' something shifted in the world that day–– a shift that brought the seismic birth of a superstar.

"Papatunayan ko sa inyong lahat, sa buong mundo na etong baklang to ang magpapasikat ng Pilipinas, hindi lamang dito pero sa buong mundo."

These were his words in the show. Fast forward to this day, Jayvhot is stepping into the realm of dreams turned reality, as he embraced the power of manifestation and is currently basking in the glory of representing the Philippines in the global Drag singing competition "Queen of the Universe" as her drag persona, MAXIE.

The Letter "M" in Maxie is Manifestation

Jayvhot's passion for performing has been deeply ingrained in him since early childhood. He had a strong aspiration to become a pop star, idolizing powerful women who entertained audiences on stage. It was his mother and his auntie Brenda who introduced him to this enchanting world, paving his path into the realm of drag. Now, as a thriving drag queen, Jayvhot embraces his identity with pride.

"I've always had a burning desire to become a pop star, a diva," he revealed in an interview with Parcinq. "From a young age, I found immense inspiration in strong powerful women who captivate audiences, such as my own mother and my auntie Brenda, who is also a drag queen. It was through Brenda's guidance and introduction that I discovered this enchanting world. And now, here I am, embracing my true self as a proud drag queen."

From his jaw-dropping performances on popular shows like "Will Time Big Time" to being a finalist on "Talentadong Pinoy," Galang's journey to stardom has been nothing short of remarkable. However, it is through his portrayal in the theater production of "Maxie the Musicale: Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros" that really gave him the spotlight, and gave birth to her drag persona, Maxie.

Maxie to the world

They say some individuals are destined for the stage, and Jayvhot is a living proof. As he commands the spotlight on the international stage as Maxie, Jayvhot proudly represents the pinnacle of Filipino talent.

"It is very important for people of various races and nationalities to witness the exceptional prowess of Filipino performers. We have often lacked opportunities here in the Philippines, so this is a monumental step and an extraordinary chance for me to showcase the true extent of our abilities."

On stage, Jayvhot unleashes vocals that could outshine even the fiercest pop divas, while the confidence bursts at the seams like a supernova. It's clear Jayvhot is destined to soar among the stars and leave audiences starstruck in her wake.

"I am a truly unique contender, dedicated wholeheartedly to win and showcase the true essence of Filipino drag. I take immense pride in my artistry," he said.

To the MAXie!

Describing Jayvhot as merely an artist is a profound understatement. He transcends expectations and reveals a world of creativity that surpasses what meets the eye. With Maxie as his artistic alter ego, he possesses an array of tricks up his sleeves that promise to astonish and mesmerize. The anticipation builds as we eagerly await the grand unveiling of his captivating artistry, eager to witness the magic that will unfold before our very eyes.

Now, Jayvhot is embarking on his exciting new journey, embracing fresh manifestations of his artistic prowess. "I envision myself as a phenomenally successful art pop artist and drag performer," he shared. To kickstart this thrilling chapter, Maxie is set to release her highly anticipated debut single titled "Akit" this June. This captivating track, fueled by a catchy beat, delves into the themes of passion and unrequited love.

As Jayvhot continues to embody success in every aspect of his being, he demonstrates to the world that everyone can fearlessly pursue their dreams. Jayvhot, in his embodiment of Maxie, passionately imparts the essential advice that the journey to superstardom begins with aspiring. By fostering dreams, embracing passion, and setting ambitious goals, individuals can pave their own path toward greatness.


Photography by Rxandy Capinpin

Styling by Ryebread

Words and Interview by Mark Baccay

Makeup by Guilly Valenzuela

Featuring Maxie Andreison

Maxie is wearing Mugler x H&M & custom pieces by Ryebread



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